September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I'm looking for some dynastic historical fiction. I'm currently reading The Fox Wife, and while I'm really enjoying it, I'm having that familiar reader panic of – oh no, what will I read next. AND WHAT IF IT'S NOT AS GOOD.

    Something with courtly politics as the focus would be great, but really I just don't want to read about periods of war or revolution or the balancing and mixing of Western ideas with traditional. If a book is REALLY good though and is in those time periods, that's fine.

    I prefer also reading about female protagonists, since their insular world interests me more than…imperial exams. If there's a romantic subplot (which I'm all for), I'd prefer it's…a subplot. And not the main deal.

    I'm also TOTALLY open to other regions…just not Europe and North America.

    I've read all of Yangszee Choo's novels, most of Lisa See's, Pachinko, Memoirs of Geisha, A Woman of Pleasure.
    I'm not really interested in titles like Shogun, Musashi, etc.

    And, a dash of fantasy is totally good with me.

    Thanks in advance for any recommendations!

    by silkandsolitude

    1 Comment

    1. pineapple-fiend on

      The Tale of Genji is considered by some to be the first novel ever written. It was written during the Heian period. It’s a very long book, depending on which translation you read (Royall Tyler’s is the one I read). ALL about courtly politics (and also love—and also a lot of other things). The main protagonist is a man (Genji) so maybe not for you, but I thought I’d suggest it!

      edit: forgot to mention it was written by a woman, which I think is pretty cool

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