September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    For a book challenge I'm participating in, it's a monthly bingo and there's a square for Single Dad MC. I've searched Google, Bing and even Goodreads and all I can find are romance and very smutty romance at that. I have no problems with other people reading that if that's their thing, it's just very much not mine.

    I searched this sub as well and none of the past books I found suggested are what I'm looking for.

    If possible I'd prefer Historical Fiction, historical mystery or maybe even fantasy. I don't mind kids chapter books, middle grade books and YA. If there's some relationship, that's fine, just not sexual content and I don't want it to be the main focus. LGBTQIA+ books are ok (I'm under the umbrella myself) as long the relationship is G/PG rated.

    Memoir might be ok too if it doesn't contain alcoholics, physical abuse or anything similar to that. I have PTSD from my childhood related to those topics.


    by Fine-Quantity9956


    1. Firebug by Lish McBride – YA where the MC is being raised by essentially a single father. There’s some romance, but the focus is on the supernatural mafia

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