September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi! I'm doing a diverse reading challenge and have read books for 7/12 of the prompts, but I'm struggling to find books I want to read for the remaining 5. I generally read fiction under 500 pages that's got magical, fantasy, or horror influences, if that helps at all!

    Prompt 3: A Diverse Nonfiction or Memoir (would love one that's centered around food!)

    Prompt 6: A Book by a Queer BIPOC Author

    Prompt 7: A Book by a Disabled Author

    Prompt 8: Women in Translation (I'm really struggling with this one)

    Prompt 11: A book by an Indigenous Author

    by ravensarefree

    1 Comment

    1. monopolyman900 on

      I’ve just got one for #11 – The Only Good Indians by Stephen Graham Jones. It’s a pretty popular horror book by an indigenous author.

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