September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I really enjoy melancholy and depressing music. It gives me frisson/goosebumps and I feel a sense of connection when I hear it. My girlfriend jokes that the books I like are all “sad-core man” books, whatever that means.

    Books I’ve read that might have the same vibe:
    – No Longer Human
    – Into the Wild
    – The Basketball Diaries
    – The Brothers Karamazov
    – Dharma Bums
    – Currently reading “Perfume” and enjoying

    by DataWhiskers


    1. Huh, not really my thing but the Night Lords Trilogy is pretty much a sci-fi greek tragedy set in space…except it’s after the fall.

      It is set in WH40k, so if that’s a turn-off for you then maybe not. I went in with no knowledge of the setting, though, and the author explains most of it pretty well.

    2. Ooh ooh! Basically any of Patrick Dewitt’s books (Ablutions: Notes for a Novel, The Sisters Brothers, Undermajordomo Minor, French Exit, and most recently, The Librarianist.)

      I’d also *highly* recommend Someone Who Will Love You In All Your Damaged Glory by Raphael Bob-Waksberg, particularly the story *Move Across the Country*

    3. Agreeable-Bend-1995 on

      Ones I think of and may more or less fit the description:

      – Crime and Punishment, by Dostoievsky;
      – The Razor’s Edge, by Somerset Maugham;
      – Demian, by Hermann Hesse;
      – Plantation Boy, by José Lins do Rêgo (a brazilian author, I read in Portuguese but there’s an English version).

      I liked your post, gave me recommendations for myself! 🙌

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