September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m in a reading slump. I used to be able to read for hourse, to be completetly immersed in it. I don’t know if life got in the way or ADHD got worse or whatever, I just can’t get into anything new, I’ve been rereading old books, and it calms me, but I long for new stories, I just can’t seem to ge engrossed in them like I used to. I love fantasy, sci-fi, anything that takes me away from reality. A few good romances got me glued to the pages before, but I just can’t stand endless series of breakingup and getting back together. Smut is ok if you anything good to recommend, I’m not necessarily looking for it though. I’m just really trying to find the passion of reading somethign new again.

    I love the calssic fantasy series (LOTR, Dune, HP, ASOIAF…) also loved the Eragon books, and more YA stuff like the Mortal instruments, ACOTAR, INKheart trilogy, percy jackson even. just to give away my tastes.

    Get wild!

    by AryaVlad96

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