September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m looking for books that can be read in very small bites – like 1-2 minute paragraphs (even a page is too much).

    I don’t have an attention disorder.

    I just have two toddlers and reading even a single page is very hard when they are not sleeping. I do my main reading once they sleep, but miss some nibbling during the day…

    I’m looking for books for me, not to read with kids! 🙂
    Both fiction or non-fiction is fine.

    Here are some recommendations that fit:

    * any David Markson book

    * Nicholson Baker’s Human Smoke (fantastic, but I don’t have the strength, it is so depressing)

    Aphorism’s could work too, if they are very good (most recently read Stanislaw Jerzy Lec’s), but no poetry.

    Any recommendations?

    by suhrob


    1. QualityLand
      by Marc-Uwe Kling

      Return From the Stars
      by Stanisław Lem

      Simple progressive stories that can be put down and picked up again without problem in my opinion. Just have a good bookmark at the ready, I usually use a clip to remember the line I left off in a haste.

    2. Anything by Richard Brautigan, most of his chapters are like 1-2 pages long. I recommend starting with *Sombrero Fallout*.

    3. freerangelibrarian on

      Mama Makes Up Her Mind and Sleeping at the Starlite Motel by Bailey White. Fun little stories from the South.

      The Decline and Fall of Practically Everybody by Will Cuppy. Short and funny essays about historical figures.

    4. Letsmakethissimple1 on

      “The Comfort Book” by Matt Haig (non-fiction). The book ‘chapters’ are, as you wanted, varying from a small page to a few pages long, and they can be read in no particular order. TW though: the author does talk about his depression. But all in all, it is, indeed, a comforting book.

    5. have you considered getting a ereader and adjusting the font size and line spacing so it does this. You would only see a few sentences at once.

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