September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I am not interested in romance or action, but particularly action.. No heros saving the world or the good vs evil. I want ZERO action, no Harry Potter stuff.

    I don’t remember if there were any action revolved but I liked The Neverending Story by Michael Ende, and any classic childern’s stories like Alice in Wonderland, the Wizard of Oz series, Roald Dahl, Walter Moers, etc. And I like books like Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt.

    But most of these books I read when I was younger and I am looking for good books targeted at adults. I read some Matt Haig and while they were entertaining they didn’t give me any lasting impression.

    I love the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, and the first book of this series might be the only one I can think of that is targeted at adults in modern day Earth. Like things happening in actual England and all the human characters feel like they are actual modern English people.

    As long as it has fantasy/sci-fi elements with ZERO action and romance isn’t the only theme of the story I am not very picky. I want the main characters to be older than 18, but is not a must.

    Edit; What I meant by action is combats/fights/violence/good vs evil/saving the world or seeking revenge, etc. I love adventure and villains and monsters but not fighting them.

    by uglygirltryingtolive

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