September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I was just thinking about how The Secret by Rhonda Byrne is a huge scam, but then I realized that it’s one of the bestselling books of all time, yet, no one ever knows what it’s about. How can the most famous book ever written be well recognized and not known at the same time? Makes me think the Law of Attraction and everything else written in that book might actually be real and the author just manifested money and fame

    by reevma


    1. NatashOverWorld on

      There are two secret axioms hidden in the _secret_ that make it successful.

      One, that the wealth the rich enjoy is gaminfully theirs because they have a special connection with the universe.

      Two, that if you’re not wealthy and/or successful it’s because you let go of your limiting beliefs ie it’s your fault.

      The _secret_ is the weight loss diet fad of the spiritual industry.

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