September 2024
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    I recently read “Couple Found Slain” by Mikita Brottman. This is a book about a man with schizophrenia who is living in a forensic psychiatric hospital after murdering his parents when he was in his 20s. The book details his experience living through active psychosis, and his attempts through the decades to either get discharged or escape. I found this book so interesting because it really gives you a look into daily life in psychiatric hospitals which are such a very secretive and closed off part of our society, especially a forensic one like this. I’m also very interested in learning about psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia. So I would love to hear recommendations of memoirs that discuss both psychosis and psychiatric hospitals, or one of the two. Thanks in advance for your suggestions

    by kittycar85


    1. *Girl, Interrupted* is a terrific 1993 memoir by Susanna Kaysen about her time in a psychiatric hospital, and the film (1999, 2000?) is also a great watch—although it does take some Hollywood liberties with how it excerpts from the book. it’s not too, too far off from the text.

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