September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Just read Stoner by John Williams. It's been kind of popular lately, recommended and on everyone's "MUST READ" list, so I usually figure it's not worth my time. Also this book is not a book I would normally read. HOLY CRAP it's fantastic, it's what I would consider true literature. It reminds me of Somerset Maugham. I'm a sort of slow reader, I read this in 2 days, compelled to read it, I literally couldn't stop reading it, despite it frustrating the hell out of me.

    It's not a happy book, but somehow, it gave me hope, or at least gave me something to emulate and think about as life repeatedly kicks me in the groin. This dude just keeps plugging away and finding happiness in a world that is not working out for him on any front. It's so well written, the characters are so real and relatable, and I can see them in real people I've known.

    If you haven't read it, and you keep hearing about it and think you might want to read it, get it and read it. I put it on hold at my library, I'm 10th in line, been 10th in line for a month, decided to just buy the damn thing, and glad I did.

    for those who have read it….what do you think the relationship between that student Charles Walker and Lomax was? Am I reading into it, or were they disfigured/crippled on the outside as a reflection of who they were on the inside, their integrity?

    Damn, this book is gonna stay with me for a while.

    by machobiscuit

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