September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Now that I'm in my mid thirties, obviously I have a lot more responsibilites than I did when I was 20. A full-time job, a wife, a son, a dog. My mid to late 20s were a mess so I almost didn't read at all, even though I grew up loving books and reading and used to read quite a lot when I was younger.

    A couple of years ago I went back to reading and I realized how much I had missed it. So far this year I've read 19 books… with a very slow pace.

    I don't even know why the preface, just wanted to ask you all, how do you find time to read consistently when your daily life is full of things to do and when you get home you just want to relax and do literally nothing. I read on my free days in the morning but no more than 2 hours and after that, maybe a bit in the evening but not every day. Sometimes when I wake up for like 30 minutes but that's it. Sure, if I'm reading something that got me hooked I might put in the effort and read a bit more, but usually I'm just tired and I don't feel like doing any more mental work by reading.

    by realkranki


    1. Firstly, I wouldn’t call myself a functional adult. But the way I do it is by carving out a block of time in bed in the evening to read. But then again, I’m alone in bed so…

    2. fartmanthebeaneater on

      I read on whatever spare moment i have. Often, its no more than half an hour a day. Welcome to adulthood, where everythings is boring and time is scarce.

    3. Spirited-Cellist5296 on

      As long as you enjoy reading, why should it matter how often or how much you read?Your life is very busy so take solace in the fact you have those few hours to lose yourself in a good read and don’t worry about how much you read – just enjoy it when you do.

    4. Pristine_Put6089 on

      I don’t read consistently.. most of the time, I don’t read at all. My life is busy, I work long hours, and the last thing I think about doing at 8pm after a 15 hour shift is reading.

      But, weekends and other days that I’m free, I’ll occasionally read a chapter or 2, but tbh, it takes me way too long to even finish a book, sometimes months or even a year+ (being that I’m limited to time and also my adhd holds me back from long reading sessions)

      I once bought a book when I was about 19, and I finished it at 24.. I’m one of those readers who is very interested in reading, and then I have huge reading dry spells and lose interest altogether and leave a book for years until I think, “maybe I’ll pick that book back up again..”

      I think I’m probably in the minority here, with these reading habits lol.

    5. Audio.. I can continue reading when if it was a book I’d have to put it down or maybe not even bother with it. Prepping meals, doing housework and laundry, driving solo, exercising, waiting… Also, I don’t watch TV much so there’s that time too, I usually listen to my book while I do crafts in the evening. I use my library, I might not find a title I look up but there’s always something that will appeal.

    6. During my commute, during my walks, with headphones while gardening, and after dinner in lieu of tv for an hour before bed. It’s not really hard to find the time because it’s something I really enjoy.

    7. GrandDisastrous461 on

      I read every night before bed and usually a bit after work to decompress. I don’t have or want kids though which I think is a big factor. 88 books this year. I work full-time and have other hobbies.

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