September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi All,

    I used to read books when I was a kid (Hardy Boys, Famous Five and some comics as well etc), as I grew up, I started watching more movies and playing more video games. As a result, I stopped reading.

    Few years back I purchased the book IT after watching the movie. I read a few pages but the book was unable to hold my attention. I got zoned out. Now that my wife has started reading again, I too want to start reading some books.

    I recently started reading Atlantis found by Clive Cussler. It's been hard but I'm trying my best.

    Could someone please suggest me some books that I might be get into easily. Preferably not very long so I don't get overwhelmed.

    When it comes to movies my favourite genre has always been mystery, horror and comedy.

    Thanks in advance.

    by vortex1011


    1. What kinds of video games do you like? I have found that reading requires a longer attention span than movies or games, so when I haven’t read for a while, it takes a lot of effort to consciously make myself focus. But it gets easier the more you do it, until soon enough you won’t have to try.

      * The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet by Becky Chambers. First in a series that can be read in any order, in case another one sounds more interesting. This is like a combination of the video game Mass Effect and the tv show Firefly.

      * The Stars Now Unclaimed by Drew Williams. Very much like Mass Effect.

      * The Fold by Peter Clines. This reads like a blockbuster movie in book form.

      * [And Then There Were N-1]( by Sarah Pinsker. A novella published free online.

      * Stories of Your Life and Others by Ted Chiang, Exhalation by Ted Chiang. Collections of very good short stories.

      * Nightflyers and Other Stories by George R. R. Martin. A collection of short sci fi horror. The titular story, Nightflyers, was made into a 1987 movie and a recent TV series. The TV series was terrible when I watched it on Netflix, though. I haven’t seen the movie.

      * Reamde by Neal Stephenson. Cybercrime thriller with some comedy. However, it is *really* long.

      * The Invincible by Stanislaw Lem. Not very long, but this author has a bit of a slower and more thoughtful writing style that isn’t the most immediately attention-grabbing. This book is being made into a survival horror video game of the same name.

      * Rocannon’s World by Ursula K. Le Guin, Dreamsnake by Vonda N. McIntyre. These books aren’t related at all, I recommended them both here because their first chapter that was originally a stand alone short story, so I feel that they are attention-grabbing from the start.

      * And Then I Woke Up by Malcolm Devlin. Very short horror novella. It haunts me to this day.

    2. Ready Player One.

      Very readable, loads of video game references, and a good gateway back into the reading world. Some might be snobby about it, maybe even myself, but there’s no denying it’s popular, and there’s a reason for that.

    3. Neon_Aurora451 on

      Have you tried any Agatha Christie? – **And Then There Were None** or **Murder on the Orient Express**

      I find that **Into Thin Air** by Jon Krakauer seems to be very accessible to different kinds of readers

    4. hmmwhatsoverhere on

      *Jurassic Park* by Michael Crichton. Gripping, easy to read, elements of horror and mystery alike.

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