July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Personally, I tend to lean towards reviewing books that didn’t quite meet my expectations, and I’m not afraid to inject a little humor into my critique. I believe a witty review is a more constructive way to express disappointment rather than attacking the author or their devoted fans. I also find it disturbing when someone is attacking other people for their opinion. I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinions about books without resorting to offensive language or personal attacks. What are your thoughts on the topic?

    by MadMaxine666

    1 Comment

    1. Ridiculing might be more offensive than direct critique. I don’t mean offending, you can just find some space to describe what you didn’t like. If you can understand why somebody would like that book, you can also describe how you imagine their point of view, and why you don’t buy into it.

      A pinch of humor will make your text more fun, and more relatable, though 😉

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