September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi! My daughter isn’t a huge reader, but I’m trying to encourage her more. We visited Paris and Prague this summer, so I thought reading about those places would be interesting. The last book she read and really enjoyed was called Paper Hearts by Meg Wiviott, about 2 girls at Auschwitz. Thank you in advance for any suggestions!

    by greenbeancounter


    1. pragmatic-pollyanna on

      When my oldest was in middle school he loved The Cabinet of Wonders. I believe it’s set in Prague.

    2. Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor is a YA fantasy series set partially in Prague

    3. I strongly recommend “The King in the Window” by Adam Gopnik!!! ([goodreads link](

      I first read it when I was around your daughter’s age or a little younger and I LOVED it. It is set in Paris in a very “real” way— you feel like you can see the locations Gopnik describes. The descriptions in the book actually helped me suggest places I wanted to see when I visited Paris for the first time a few years after reading the book. Perhaps more importantly, the plot and the characters are really fun and absorbing, and really fuel the imagination. The main character is a school-aged American boy who has moved to Paris with his family and it has a lot of fantasy/ fairy tale elements but is set in the present day.

      I think it is one of the best children’s/ young adult novels I read as a kid. I still love it.

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