September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Did anyone find this book.. boring? It was way too long, explanatory and descriptive imo.
    Good part of the book takes place in the span of two days maybe, and it was so slow that i had the feeling i was reading as it was happening in the real time.. At one point Claire needed to go from her home to the office of her husband's business partner and that took a good half an hour (audiobook). Not to mention that the mystery is solved more or less in the first part of the book and the rest of it is mostly how they go about it.
    Also everytime we are in the middle of something being resolved or something happening in present time, we are "interrupted" with chapters told from the POV of their dead father in the past, which are very long and very reflective of their past.. Also, very contradictory to his daughters recollections of things. Also his praising of his wife got old very fast, since i hadn't had that impression of her at all.
    Anyway, a lot of things in this book didn't make sense to me that i had a problem with (Lydia's eighteen-year absence without anyone seriously looking for her during all that time, even though she lived relatively close- and this is the family that, according to their father, moved heaven and earth to find Julia. So what about Lydia? Also the speed with which everyone believed that Lydia lied that Paul tried to rape her, even though they had a bad first impression of him and generally bad opinion of him, Claire's ridiculous interactions with the FBI agent)..
    With all thah my biggest problem is that this book is just dull and unnecessary long. By the time it was over i couldn't feel as bad for them as i probably should have and i even felt numb to all the gore, violence and torture that we were to read about extensively.

    TW- this book is very graphic. It contains descriptions of rape, torture and violence.

    by amazingamy19

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