September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Perhaps this is a snark on the current marketing style of self-pub and trad-pub books but I felt like social media made books into mere tropes vs actual stories.

    Even before I learn the title of the book or get to the blurb, I would learn first and foremost that it is “a spicy, grumpy sunshine, etc etc” type of novel which fits into a mold of a hundred more books of the same kind. I felt like the value of the story is bottled into one template vs it being a unique experience and that is an automatic no-read for me.

    I get it. It’s nothing new. The book community is hot. This is how most booktubers/tokers would review a book to provide preview. Even books from the pre-social media era would have a blurb of the same kind. I just hate how I can’t get into the story without it being spoon-fed to me.

    by Melodic_Act_1159

    1 Comment

    1. Then don’t engage in that type of social media for books if you hate it so much? Yes this type of 10 second book review is hot among a certain demographic but it didn’t stop other books and recommendations from existing.

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