September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    So, I've read books in several genres, but I find myself unable to really click with any of them. I'm so incredibly picky and need the stories to be super tight and engaging in order to actually enjoy reading them. No fluff, no scenes that go on and on and on describing the same thing over and over. Tight pacing and characters that don't feel generic.

    One thing I do know is that I really enjoy when a story has scary/creepy vibes and some mystery that makes me wanna find out more info, but at the same time, I don't like to read books that are pure horror and pure mystery because I prefer the story to focus more on characters the way they do in fantasy or romance novels. I love romance, action, adventure, and being scared, but I find it so hard to find books that don't bore me.

    I really really thought romantasy would be my thing, but somehow I barely managed to finish The Cruel Prince. The main character felt insufferable to me, and the story didn't really make me feel like I wanted to find out how it ended. IDK why. Maybe because it wasn't mysterious or suspenseful enough? As for the MC, are more vulnerable and whiny heroines frowned upon? I feel like all the MCs are the "strong female character" archetype, which I find very difficult to identify with.

    I feel so bad because I also end up losing people to talk to about books cuz I only have negative things to say about their favorites, and I really wish I had tastes that reflected a majority of readers. Yet, at the same time, I can't even figure out what my tastes are either.

    If someone could help me, I would greatly appreciate it!

    by SolarmatrixCobra


    1. hmmwhatsoverhere on

      You could try *The expanse* by James Corey. No fantasy and not much romance, but it’s got very tight writing, excellent plot that always stays in focus, good characterization, and plenty of threads of mystery and horror without being of either genre (it’s scifi).

    2. Based on what you didn’t like, you could be similar to me and prefer things branded as thrillers or suspense more than what tends to be advertised as super popular, new release horror or mystery. There are tons of books that fall into all of those categories, but I’ve found it to be a means of filtering out the kinds of mysteries that I end up hating.

      These are three that came to mind:

      Shutter Island by Dennis Lehane

      The Prestige by Christopher Priest

      The Long Walk by Stephen King (categorized as horror, but based on your post I think it still might be worth a shot)

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