September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    First off: please no spoilers. I’m going to continue reading it because I rarely ever DNF and I want to discover what happens on my own.

    With that said… I’m really struggling to get into The Final Girl Support Group. I’ve been wanting to read it for SO long, but… boy, is it a miss for me so far. The MC is so incredibly annoying. I understand she’s traumatized and went through living hell, but… she’s still painfully annoying and incredibly difficult to root for.

    The blatantly obvious spoofs of real life horror film characters/franchises feels like lazy writing to me. The idea is fun (almost cute even), but the way this author did it just feels like a ripoff and cheap. Like he hit copy and paste, and then just changed a couple details to not get sued.

    And the way he writes about the Black and lesbian character feels token, like a plot device or like he wrote them in to be all “Hey, look! I’m embracing diversity!” (Or in Adrienne’s case “I’m not taking everything straight from F13!”)

    I’m only on page 70 so I’m really hoping it’ll get better, but right now I’m feeling so let down. Maybe it was just that my hopes were so high, but… Was anybody else let down by The Final Girl Support Group?

    by Mobius8321

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