September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Sort of Office Space vibes. Bonus for humor or liminal creepiness.
    Books I’ve read and enjoyed in this genre (is it a genre? Subgenre?)
    I Hope This Finds You Well by Natalie Sue;
    The Maid by Nita Prose;
    Dodger by Terry Pratchett;
    Post Office by Bukowski ;
    Vera Wong’s Unsolicited Guide for Murderers;
    The Convenience Store Girl ;
    All That You Love Will be Carried Away (short story) by Stephen King ;
    .. that’s all I can remember right now. Any suggestions for me?
    Edit: I am on mobile, so sorry for formatting grossness.

    by Lazy-Supermarket-887


    1. Patrick MacGill, *Children of the Dead End*.

      Robert Tressell, *The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists*.

    2. Classic_Bee_8500 on

      The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro

      It lacks that liminal creepiness, but it focuses entirely on an aging butler whose vocation is dying around him.

    3. Not sure if this is what you want (I’ve never read any of the books you listed) but Biglaw by Lindsay Cameron is an okay book that focuses on a woman who is working in biglaw and all the stressors that come with.

      Big Law by Ron Liebman is a book I’m currently reading that also focuses on Big Law but from the point of view of a man who got scapegoated for some shady shit his bosses pulled on him.

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