September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I mean, what is the book you desire to read that does not yet currently exist?

    For me:

    I want a book with an adult, bisexual, Black male protagonist, who is a witch (not a wizard). The book would be aimed at adults,not YA, and would be be funny, serious, magical, and made to appeal to fans of Harry Potter, Anne Rice, but not entirely smutty and full of needless sex scenes for shock value. It would be full of morally gray characters and well established world but also fantastical and fun. It would udnerstand the genres it is apart of and pay homage while doing its own unique thing.

    It’s the perfect mix of all the wonder of a children’s fiction book with the maturity and seriousness of an adult book.

    Idk. I haven’t been able to find a book that hits all these marks. The Magicians by Lev Grossman comes REALLY close.

    by BlueMoonBoy94

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