September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’ve never read high fantasy before and I want to get into it. One author which I see recommended often is Sanderson. I’m really intriguided by the stormlight archive series but I think the Mistborn is the earlier one? What you guys think? Should i go with The Stormlight series?

    by mu_lambda


    1. It really depends what you’re looking for. The Stormlight Archive is more “traditional” high fantasy, with a wider scope (and a lot more books) than Mistborn. Mistborn still has huge stakes, but it’s a more contained series, with a smaller cast of characters and – in the first book – a much more restricted setting. Also, Mistborn follows a single POV character, whereas TSA has multiple.

      Both series are decent introductions to high fantasy. I don’t super love them, personally, but a *huge* amount of people got into fantasy via Sanderson’s books. There’s no wrong choice here, just read the blurbs and go with whichever one sounds most interesting.

    2. BelmontIncident on

      I’d suggest either The Emperor’s Soul or maybe Tress of the Emerald Sea as introductions to Sanderson.

      Mistborn is earlier than Stormlight Archive, and has the advantage of having two complete arcs published so you can get an ending to the plot, but both are long.

    3. I have read all the Cosmere books and I started with Stormlight archive which is my favourite work of his.

      It depends what you are looking for but i definitely recommend starting with Stormlight archive for the epic fantasy.

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