September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    My partner and I have a habit of bingeing YouTube videos to learn miscellaneous facts. However, we’re going on a media break during an upcoming trip. We enjoy reading together and I’m looking for books that are engaging, could inspire conversation, and maybe expand our knowledge in weird and interesting ways. I think it would be neat if the books contain several short stories or discuss lots of random facts at length. I just don’t want them to be textbook-dry.

    Some common topics we nerd out about:
    -Basically anything scientific. Want to tell me about tardigrades, the AMOC, superluminal particles, the worm wall, unusual plants, or phantom islands? I’m in.
    -Cool history. We’ve learned how Lebanon became a powerhouse because of their cedar trees, about a female French bisexual opera-singing sword fighter (Julie d'Aubigny — completely epic), and the rules pertaining to the sale of cats in medieval wales. More along these lines, please!
    -Science fiction is also a true delight

    Thank you for your brainstorming!

    by bdgirlofthenorth

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