September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I am looking for books that are written in English that are very interesting/entertaining and well and beautifully written(logical, grammatically correct, various usage of vocabulary, NOT unnecessarily complicated or vague), preferably not very long so I can read over again and again to learn English.

    I believe repetition is the best way to learn English so my main goal is to read the same text as many times as I can, in different formats and accents.

    I am particularly looking for either
    1. Any non-fiction/educational books that are shorter length that are as humorous and entertaining they can be while still being written super well.

    1. Great journals/essays(John Steinbeck was one of the best books I read but it is too hard for me to read again)

    2. Super entertaining/interesting and well written shorter stories.

    I like crime, sci-fi, fantasy, romcom, and stories about fashion, traveling, being lost in life, etc. I like fairytales and children’s books and YA as well. Thank you!

    by uglygirltryingtolive

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