September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Liz Nugent's "Lying in Wait" actually bored me quite a bit in the beginning. It took me a few months to finish it because of this. It felt like a slog, and the characters were all awful people.

    But then I got to the end, and it REALLY threw me off. It's been over a year since I read the book, and the ending still haunts me. I didn't totally understand it at first, so I read it a second time, and then I realized just how grim it was.

    The general horror of the idea of someone becoming unable to care for themselves, and then becoming so isolated that when their caregiver is literally out of their mind, no one is around to notice, and they are left to slowly die absolutely terrified me. It's an ending that will be stuck in my head for a long time.

    Did this ending freak anyone else out?

    by Whisper-1990

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