September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Basically title. I'd like to get into vampire novels. I'm not too into horror stuff and am certainly not looking for erotica. Now don't get me wrong, I do like some drama and don't mind a sex scene in a book, but I do not want the focus to be erotica or some edgy YA either.

    Something mature and deep would be preferable. It can be dark but doesn't need to be. I reject horror mostly because it's hard for me to really think of horror including these other elements I am seeking but I could be mistaken. I want well rounded characters, developed character relations, and a moving plot. I want more emotions outside of spooks and titilation.

    Thank you for your suggestions!

    by arkticturtle


    1. Vampire diaries? Or is that one to obvious?
      It was actually written before twilight :p I’ve never read the novels but saw the series though!

    2. Woman, Eating by Claire Kohda and God of Endings by Jacqueline Holland are vampire or vampire-adjacent literary fiction that are definitely more serious than a typical vampire book. Definitely existential themes!

    3. The historian was great but not that deep.

      Let the Right one in is a bit deeper but has disturbing elements.

    4. Fledgling by Octavia Butler has some romance/sex but is nowhere near what I would call smut. Lots of drama and intrigue.

    5. The Vampire Earth series by E E Knight (I only read the first two but I remember them being pretty good)

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