September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    A friend of mine has always been very into New Age stuff- crystals, astrology, spirituality. She’s also massively into alternative medicine and regularly sees various “alternative doctors”. Things like homeopathy and energy healers. Her children go to a Steiner Waldorf school where they learn about the soul and dance. Basically if you’ve heard of Helena Blavatsky, that’s what my friend is into.

    I’ve always been the total opposite and we have friendly discussions about these things sometimes.

    Recently, her sister joined an MLM (pyramid scheme) and my friend was able to connect some of the cultish tactics used in the pyramid scheme to aspects of her own beliefs. And she’s started questioning things and looking into them a bit.

    Are there any books that look into these things? Maybe something that celebrates skepticism and “real life” if that makes sense? Like the joy of not being spiritual, and the joy of science and life. Or if there’s anything about what an old bag Blavatsky was that would be great.

    I really enjoyed Demon Haunted World but I think there was a bit too much about aliens which she’ll find boring.

    by dreamfig

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