September 2024
    M T W T F S S


    1. We Are Satellites by Sarah Pinsker. Kind of a strange one, since it’s not actually about eating healthier or working out, it’s a sci fi novel. But one of the characters is a gym teacher who often goes for runs as a way of having some quiet space to think or to cope with stress. This really motivated me to work out. The daughter in this book has epilepsy and the family tries a lot of different diets to see if it might help her when medications fail to fully control her seizures. But the book is really not *about* these things. They just pop up every now and then in the story.

    2. therealjerrystaute on

      Actually, it was non-fiction sources for me. The more you learn about what NOT working out and NOT eating healthy will do to you, the more you’ll want to improve.

      Plus, I abhor the idea of laying helpless in a hospital bed, and due to financial constraints must avoid racking up medical bills as best I can (I live in America). So tons of incentives there!

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