September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m wondering if anyone here can think of epistolary novels with very long letters or journal entries, rather than lots of shorter ones. Multiple perspectives would be good- I’m not really looking for Notes From the Underground, Diary of a Superfluous Man kind of thing. I know this is kind of vague but if you think of anything please let me know, thanks!

    by lucioschmoeller


    1. There’s a book that’s made entirely of letters that a mom writes to her adult child (son?). It’s connected to another book. The mom is in some sort of facility.

      I remember staying up to read it because I was so invested, but I have no idea what it was anymore 😭

      Edit: It was The Whalestoe Letters by Mark Z Danielewski! “Pelafina writes these letters to Johnny from The Three Attic Whalestoe Institute, a mental institution where she has been residing for a number of years. While a number of these letters appear in House of Leaves, The Whalestoe Letters introduces a number of new letters which serve to more fully develop Pelafina’s character as well as her relationship with Johnny.”

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