July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m in a reading slump, and what has brought me tip-toeing back to books has been graphic novels. I’m not a huge fantasy fan, and my normal fiction genre is literary fiction/ slice of life. Sometimes branching out into thriller or horror. I especially love evil children, but not in a supernatural way.

    Honestly, the best graphic novels I’ve read this year have been middle-grade, about starting a new middle school or getting braces.

    I’m going into a town with a decent bookstore tomorrow, and I’d like to buy my first graphic novel for myself, but I’m not in a financial spot where I could buy more than one. Therefore the $30 or so I’ll spend needs to go a long way, both in enjoyment and in length. I don’t want to finish it tomorrow afternoon. But I’ll be excited to have bought one for myself. I want to make it a good one. Give me your best recs please!

    by madeupneighbor

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