July 2024
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    1. *The Electric Kingdom* came out in 2021 and is a post-apocolytic YA book that features a young girl trying to track down the origins of a mysterious “fairy tale.” Took me a while to get into it, but has some interesting twists and setting. Like a lighter Blake Crouch.

      *Memory of Water* by Emmi Itäranta – Beautifully written and poetic dystopian book about a girl and her friend as they live in a world where water is rationed. It’s basically a character study in an interesting post-apocalyptic world. Doesn’t have much action, but features some very interesting post-change conversations.

      *How High We Go in the Dark* by Sequoia Nagamatsu Is a collection of tales set within the same universe. The book wraps around the past/present/future of a global pandemic that wipes out a large chunk of human life. Each tale presented is a study of grief and death and how individuals deal with these very human feelings of loss. Some stories are sad and hit very hard, others fit squarely into weird fiction, but in the end with the final tale everything comes together in an unusual and extremely clever way.

      *Immobility* by Brian Evenson is a quick read about a man who wakes up in the future after being put into a cryo-slumber. He is paralyzed from the waste down due to this, but is tasked with a journey as he’s the only one immune to what created this apocalyptic landscape.

    2. I unfortunately have not read either Rot and Ruin or Survivors, but here’s some post apocalyptic books I have liked:

      * Borne by Jeff VanderMeer

      * Leech by Hiron Ennes. This is on the more fantastical end, and is not very realistic.

      * A Canticle for Leibowitz by Walter M. Miller Jr., a classic.

      * Station Eleven, a realistic and more slow and thoughtful kind of book.

      * [Wastelands](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1705697.Wastelands?ref=nav_sb_ss_2_9), a collection of short stories.

    3. PrincessMurderMitten on

      Calizona by Ralph Rotten

      Redneck preppers win the lottery and build the ultimate survival bunker,then a meteor hits earth in the beginning of the book. They think they’ll just kick back and enjoy the apocalypse, but then people. It’s raunchy and funny and informative.

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