September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I had just finished crime and Punishment by fyodar Dostoyevsky and I am depressed I am not feeling to do anything…But I have already decided that I will read The Road after reading C&P and there are few questions to ask..

    1: Is it worth reading?
    2: Will I be bored on some chapters (I mean is the book slow , I have already read a slow book and I don't have to read another slow one)?
    3: Some book stories we remember our whole life does The Road Fit on that criteria?
    4: I have not read any Cormac McCarthy book will the road will be a good starting point?
    5: Is it like LAST OF US game ?

    If you want to rate the road how much will you give it out of 10 ?

    by Book_Lover_fiction

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