September 2024
    M T W T F S S


    1. Strange_Travels on

      He’s been called a dirty wizard among many other things – but when I read Alan Moore’s Jerusalem and other works (especially his graphic novel work) I’m absolutely blown away by the man.

    2. Remembrance of Things Past, by Proust

      It’s absolutely jaw-dropping in its emotional intelligence. Like the plot itself may be unrelatable, unless we lived in upscale Parisian society 100 years ago, but the fact that even 100 years later across societies, we can still go OMG ME TOO as he reflects on reflection itself, and to make such a nearly plotless book so engrossing and magical … man was a genius for sure.

    3. Gold_Wolverine576 on

      I like the Lilith saint crow novels. About Dante valintine. A little smutty but when I was on OP in Iraq they were awesome.

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