September 2024
    M T W T F S S


    1. >”The Internet Archive has lost its appeal in a fight to lend out scanned ebooks without the approval of publishers. In a decision on Wednesday, the Second Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that permitting the Internet Archive’s digital library would “allow for widescale copying that deprives creators of compensation and diminishes the incentive to produce new works.”

      >The decision is another blow to the nonprofit in the Hachette v. Internet Archive case. In 2020, four major publishers — Hachette, Penguin Random House, Wiley, and HarperCollins — sued the Internet Archive over claims its digital library constitutes “willful digital piracy on an industrial scale.””

    2. Ai can scrape all their stuff though…

      I’m so pissed that the ia basically did this to itself. its such a valuable resource and that’s not something you put on the line.

    3. As expected, law and precedent is plainly on the publishers’ side. You can not make and distribute copies of someone else’s work without agreement and compensation to copyright holders (creatives). It’s how it’s always been. No Library of Alexandria is burning here.

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