September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I am not a big fantasy/scifi reader at all, even though I love scifi/futurism on the big screen, or on TV. Never read a Game of Thrones book, never read Dune, Ender's Game or Ready Player One. Recently I got curious about Snow Crash because I work in tech/media and obviously it's where the concept of the 'metaverse' was coined so I was curious about it. Absolutely loved it, haven't read a novel that fast in ages. Sure some of the dialogue was a bit Star Wars but man, just a hugely fun read and the way the characters flitted between their real and avatar lives, I just found it so interesting to read how the concepts were conceived of back before we even had social media.

    What should I follow up with? What's adjacent or worth my time?

    by SherbertHerbert

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