July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    My brother is not a reader. He’s very capable of reading but it’s just not something he does. I’m planning to get everyone in my family a book for Christmas and everyone else is pretty easy, but I don’t know where to start with my brother. A little info on him:

    He’s mid 20s and pretty full of himself. He’s a fan of movies like the Hunger Games, the Maze Runner, and Harry Potter (his personal favorite movie universe). He’s also very into anime, some of his favorites being Naruto, Fairy Tail and One Piece (his favorite anime ever). I don’t think manga would really capture him, and I doubt he’d get into anything that was romance-heavy. I’m thinking something that’s pretty fast paced throughout, lots of action, and a main character that’s full of their self.

    Thanks in advance!

    by TheOkayestPotato


    1. kiwi_manbearpig on

      What about something that’s not specifically the story but relates to it? What I mean is my dad’s not a big reader also but loves Game of Thrones and likes to cook so I got him the GOT cookbook he freakin loves it, I also got my niece the Twin Peaks cookbook.

    2. I found the main character of I Am Pilgrim to be kind of obnoxious so maybe that would suit him? Maybe the reboot 007 books by Anthony Horowitz? Sounds like he might be into Neil Gaiman but I’ve only read his kids books so don’t have a specific rec – there will be a Reddit post about it for sure.

    3. Miracle in the Andes by Nando Parrado. It’s nonfiction about a plane crash in the Andes, after which a group of about 25 rugby players had to survive for 72 days, written from the perspective of one the actual survivors. Really good and gripping and it’s the book I’d recommend first for people who don’t really like reading.

      As for manga, I’d recommend Death Note.
      I’ve never been a manga and anime girl myself but Death Note was so good and it doesn’t have a romantic aspect to it!

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