September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    (This may be a lot but I've tried to provide enough info.)

    Grown woman who used to utterly devour books but struggles lately, so something on the shorter side would be great. I'm looking for something with magic, spells, etcetera. Romance is fine but smut/sex scenes are not my thing. I'm easy on the setting. Could do without gore but action is okay.

    Some of the books I've liked to give some idea of my tastes (historical, not all relevant to genre/age)… The BFG, The Witches, The Sight, Beaver Towers: The Witch's Revenge, The Barry Trotter series, Jackie Chan: My Life in Action, Freddie Mercury (by Peter Freestone with David Evans), Voice Lessons by Robert Paulsen, On Writing by Stephen King.

    I did not like Harry Potter. The idea was fine but I felt the execution was lacking (I often felt it hard to tell who was speaking unless specified, for example). I read almost all of it in order to be able to discuss it with a friend but stopped reading when the friendship ended.

    I am technically reading The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins which I was enjoying but haven't picked it up in a while. Sitting down to read is tough but I want to get back into it via these suggestions (hopefully).

    Thanks in advance!

    by MilquetoastMtrcyclst

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