September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I recently read Made for Love by Alissa Nutting, which featured 2 sex dolls, an evil tech company named Gogol, a con man who grows sexually attracted to dolphins and a depressed main character who at one point rides around town in her father's scooter. And it was actually really good!

    Another probably better known example: Ottessa Moshfegh's My Year of Rest and Relaxation.

    I'm having a bit of a mood dip so please suggest similar wild rides and compulsive reads that'll keep me busy! Synopses would be appreciated too.

    by katsupotsu

    1 Comment

    1. Immediate_Nothing74 on

      I’ve read and loved both of the books you referenced. This is my second time today recommending this book, but it fits your criteria so let’s go: “Chlorine” by Jade Song!!!

      “Chlorine” is a coming of age story about Ren, a teenage competitive swimmer in Pittsburgh. Ren is the child of Chinese immigrants – her mother is distant and her father returned to China under a thin excuse that implied he might not have liked family life. Anyway, Ren is ambitious but out of place, and a childhood affection for dark and twisty mermaid tales manifests into a literal desire to see her legs together into a makeshift mermaid tale. Despite the adolescent protagonist, this is absolutely adult fiction and Song’s writing is better than I’d expect from a debut novelist.

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