September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I'm basically looking for what the title says- historical fiction magical realism? or just historical magical realism I guess. I really liked The Kingdoms by Natasha Pulley- it was a perfect blend of a magical world within a historical fiction framework for me. I love fantasy in general but I'm not looking to read anything too complex or heavy in the world-building aspect. Stand-alone novels are preferred but I wouldn't mind a duology or small series! I'm in a reading slump right now so anything riveting enough to get me back on my feet would be great haha

    by NecessaryDiet6203


    1. “Till We Have Faces” by C.S. Lewis


      “The Sackkets” Technically a “western” series but starts in the UK with ties to the old romans and follows a clan through the industrial and information ages. What you want is ‘To the Far Blue Mountains”


      “St. George and St. Michael” by George Macdonald


      “Flying Sparks” a science fantasy/historical fiction adventure set in a world with shape shifting aliens, supernatural haunting, and military bureaucracy.


      The “Castaways of the Flying Dutchman” by Brian Jacques. Good Historical Fiction with a fantasy element.


      “Cranford” by Elizabeth Gaskell. The magical realisim comes in in the chapters about the traveling magician and the ghost.


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