September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Frank's Character

    Frank Chambers is one of the most frustrating and scummy characters I've ever come across. My goodness: the audacity, the selfishness, the absolute lack of ambition and foresight. It's an unnerving read every time he interacted with his own desires. This man has absolutely no sense of self-control. The only thing I can think of is when he advises Cora that stealing Nick's car would be reckless, but even that is an act of self-preservation. It wasn't something he suggested, anyway.

    The Language

    I've never come across this style of speaking English before. Was this real and was it common in writing? I don't even know what era it's supposed to be in. It felt like dialogue you hear in old-timey movies, but it doesn't work right away in plain text form. It took a bit to get used to, and even then, it was kind of annoying. "You nut", "come here before I sock you," and there was another word that was most annoying to me, I just can't remember it right now. It might've been the use of the word "blow" meaning to leave. Aside from that, the language still had me interested, and I wondered many times what the rules were to this version of English.

    The Writing

    Related to the language a bit, but the style of writing Cain used for this story was intriguing at least. Hardly any descriptions and right to the point. I disliked it for the most part, but the intrigue in the way it flowed was enough to keep me locked in. I don't think it's a good style, but the fact that it does flow so well hints to me that there is a structure Cain used that isn't readily apparent to me.

    Lastly, I wanted to ask what makes this story noir. I've never read noir before. I've only watched a bit of film noir, but I figured the elements would be felt easily during my read.

    by AllHallNah

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