September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I have always tried to read plato and understand him deeply, but the original texts are so dense and written in a way that needs way more time that I was able to give. Then, I came across 'Plato for Everyone' by Aviezer Tucker and damn. This book is so damn good. Like it really took platos commentary in whole and added it to the modern context, making it so much more fun and easy to understand. It doesn't change his notions, simplify them or try to explain them. Just changed context from ancient times to modern and it became a completely new type of experience as a reader.

    I wish more ancient works can be adopted in this manner. I also love the pure commentary of many a books but the ancient context and their use makes it nigh impossible to get into them. You need to know much about history, ancient politics and geography to relate to that content and then try to understand what author is getting at. But when the same is out into modern context, even the hardest ideas become much simpler to understand. What you guys think about it? And if anyone has more suggestions that follow the same principle, please share it.

    by Any-Abbreviations622

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