September 2024
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    I have mixed feelings about audiobooks. It’s not my preferred format, but I’m trying to avoid early Christmas music during my commute to and from work. I just finished an audiobook for the final book in a series I liked, but the narration completely shattered my image of the characters I’d come to know reading the first two books. Fiction preferable; I like a good mystery. Not keen on historical/wartime. Happy to answer any other questions. Thanks in advance.

    by MickeyGee05


    1. novel-opinions on

      {{Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris}}

      I know you said fiction preferred, but as far as audiobooks are concerned, you can’t go wrong with this. The author reads it himself; it’s hilarious.

    2. For mysteries: One of my favorites is Peter Grainger’s DC Smith series (An Accidental Death is the first book). These are British police procedurals but the MC is not an alcoholic, unstable and, not dashing but very smart, and works with a team. I listened to the audio; this series is narrated by Gildart Jackson and he does a great job. They run about 10 hours each (some longer/some shorter) but they are terrific mysteries and characters.

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