September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m going to be having spine surgery soon and I’m looking for some books to read during my recovery. I don’t like horror, even if it is humorous. I also don’t want anything too deep because the meds make it hard to focus.

    So what’s the most fun book you’ve read?

    by PurplePenguinCat


    1. stormchaserokc on

      My Latest Grievance by Elinor Lipman is fun. So is her romance set in off season Cape Cod called Isabel’s Bed.

    2. CattyCattyCattyCat on

      Bridget Jones Diary is always my humor/feel good rec. It’s hilarious in the makes you read random hilarious passages to your family and friends kind of way and is 100x better than movie.

      Also: the most feel good book I’ve ever read is A Gentleman In Moscow. Literally every page is filled with whimsy and delight. It’s a joy from start to finish.

    3. TheAnxiousPangolin on

      Really Good Actually – Monica Heisey. It’s similar to a modern day Bridget Jones and not a difficult read.

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