September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello everyone. I see a lot of posts about halloween books, and usually the commenters recommend true crime and horror novels. I'm looking for a good nonfiction read for the fall season that I can actually learn something from. Most likely something historical. Any help would be appreciated.

    by -_littleking_-


    1. LadyEdithSharpe on

      Haven’t gotten to read it yet, but The Devil in the White City. I believe it’s technically historical fiction, but it’s sort of the book form of the dramatizations/reenactments they do in true crime shows. 

      Danse Macabre by Stephen King is an examination of the horror genre  and its evolution that’s really interesting.

    2. The only nonfiction book I’ve read that could fit for halloween is Lore by Aaron Mahnke. There’s definitely others though. Another good book to try would be The Terror by Dan Simmons, while it’s historical fiction horror rather than nonfiction it is very much based on a real event, there’s just a little something extra added to it and the fact that it’s told like a story is why it’s classified as fiction. Good luck!

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