July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi all! Seeking help to find a book that I read around 2011. It was my first introduction to gothic fiction, here’s what I remember:

    -I think it was a novel, but it might have been a longer short story
    -I always thought it was Poe, but it’s more than possible it wasn’t
    -It involved a harbour, dock, or some kind of waterfront
    -A house not far. A ghost or dead person (female?) is in the house.
    -Male protagonist
    -A murder…I think

    I know it’s not much to go off of but I’ve thought about it so often throughout the years that I thought I’d try!

    by chlocleme

    1 Comment

    1. Reddituser8018 on

      This is why I keep a list of all the books I’ve read. I lost the name of a book I really enjoyed many years ago and was unable to find it again, so now I write it all down so I can remember.

      Also just fun to look at it and remember the stories. Sorry I’m not much help, I have no idea what book this is.

      Might wanna try r/tipofmytongue as well, they are very good at deciphering stuff like this.

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