September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    The wife and I are going on a cruise in a couple of weeks. It is a 4.5 hour drive there, another 4.5 hours back, and I like listening to books while I drive.

    I need suggestions for us to listen to on the drive. Additionally, I would like books to read for the 8 days we’ll be at sea.

    Brandon Sanderson is our favorite author (found him when he was selected to finish Wheel of Time). We have read and enjoyed everything of his. Something with the feel of his “Secret Projects” would likely do well for the drive.

    Additionally we’ve read:
    – All of Jim Butcher’s books (Dresden, Calderon, and Cinderspire)
    – Wheel of Time (as mentioned above)
    – all of ASOIAF by Martin
    – all of Pat Rothfuss’s books
    – the Gentlemen Bastards
    – Sword of Truth (though I was unable to get through a reread, my standards have apparently gone up).
    – All of Andy Weir’s works
    – Most of Heinlein’s novels
    – the Pathfinder series by Orson Scott Card
    – the Ender novels (and most of the Bean books, too)
    – Tolkien

    I have also read:
    – all of the Foundation and Robot books (and many many short stories) by Asimov
    – the Expanse
    – much of Michael Crichton
    – some Stephen King
    – The Bobiverse
    – the Vigil Bound and Viridian Gate Online books by James A Hunter

    She has read:
    – the Mary Russell books by Laurie R. King
    – Monster Hunter, Intl by Larry Correia

    I generally like sci-fi and fantasy, and generally don’t care for stories with non-fantastical elements. I prefer well written characters and clever plots.

    She prefers interesting stories and characters, and does not generally care for SciFi.

    Looking for something light that we will both enjoy for the drive (we considered a reread of Gentlemen Bastards, but it’s a really slow dark start).

    Any suggestions for cruise reads need not take her preferences into account, as she has a booklist ready.

    Thanks in advance!

    by kenzal

    1 Comment

    1. I would highly suggest ‘Crocodile on the Sandbank’ by Elizabeth Peters. It’s light and fun and clever.

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