September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi! I'm looking for preferably 800+ pages fiction books that have a very rich, maximalistic prose to them, with giga-extensive vocabulary. I'm not talking "petrichor", "pulchritudinous", "umami" or any such trivialities, I'm talking heavy artillery like "anaclitic", "entelechy", "abulia" or "glucuronidation".

    Inb4 someone says "Dictionary", I'm not just after lists of unique words, but more authors that have a true, technical love for language, who like to find original usage for exotic vocabulary from fields understood in-depth and who construct unforseen metaphors, something like "his eyeballs disappeared in the pale sclerotics like blue flowers in milk", y'know. Some books that would exemplify the prose I'm looking for would be: Ulysses; Ducks, Newburyport; La Disparition; Infinite Jest; Ada or Ardor; A Thousand Plateaus.

    by Spooky-Shark

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