September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I write American Latino writers to differentiate these United States-born or raised authors from Latin American writers, the list of recommendations of which are endless, and whom I already eagerly read.
    But I am specifically wondering about writers of a Latino background who are either born or raised in the United States, and thus write from this perspective. And I'm especially interested in authors who are not regularly mentioned in this conversation.
    So, enjoyable as her writing can be, no Sandra Cisneros. No Junot Diaz, who for good reasons, has seen a diminished critical assessment. The recommendations can be in English, Spanish or bilingual. And they need not be limited to fiction. I'm game for essays as well. I'm thinking of Gloria Anzaldua's mixed-genre bilingual work as an example. And, though I think there's value in YA novels, they're not my cup of tea so l would like to filter those out, unless you feel strongly about the recommendation! I'm open to poetry as well, but do have a preference for prose. I'm even open to philosophical works that someone may want to recommend.

    Thanks in advance!!!

    by RhyzomeElPaisano

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