September 2024
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    How to better grasp Literature???

    I’ve recently read The Lord of The Rings By JRR Tolkien. Also the hobbit and the silmarillion.

    I really enjoy Tolkien’s use of Prosody, Old English, and meter. Also the use of mythology and folklore. People have recommended Peter S Beagle and George Mcdonald for old English and lyrical prose. But I think getting into classical literature and actual mythology would help.

    I thought I’d start by reading ancient greek literature and poetry. Like Homer, Plato, sophocles, herodotus, euripides.

    But also old English Literature like Beowulf (Tolkien’s Translation). Also Shakespeare. Who influenced shakespeare? Also who were his contemporaries or perhaps overlooked artists from his time? Also something called Chapbooks recently interested me.

    As well as folktales from Europe and the Americas. From any culture really. I just seem to have an interest in Native American and Slavic at the moment.

    I just want a better grasp on literature and storytelling. I like History, art, philosophy as well. I’d like to have a better view of the Eras of Literature throughout History. To understand literary devices more.

    Where should I start?

    by Confident-Till8952

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