September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    For me it would be a german book called "Daheim". While I had to read it as part of a university course I just can't stop thinking about how atrocious it was and how it could be so popular. Pretty much everything was bad: the pacing, the writing, the setting… ACOTAR had been the worst for me for a long long time, but this one really knocked it out of
    the park.

    by durin_l


    1. bouquinista_si on

      I made it through like 30 pages of *Darcy Takes a Wife* and it was so terrible, it made me actually angry. Got like hundreds of great reviews, too. So bad I couldn’t even bring myself to donate it. I actually threw it in the trash, and have never done that. The painfully overwrought language, the endless multiple-adjective sentences, the absurd characters, the whole thing was just rage-inducing.

    2. MarzannaMorena on

      Narcissus and Goldmund by Hermann Hesse. A controversal opinion considering how well liked it is. Still, it doesn’t change the fact I was only able to finish 3/4 of it because it made me too uncomfortable. The book has interesting premise but the execution only gave me the creeps and not in a good way

    3. redribbonfarmy on

      The vanishing half, I forget the author’s name. Such an infuriating read. It tries to be so much and achieves absolutely nothing and has one of the most despicable characters I’ve ever read about (though she is meant to be misunderstood).

      That Obama reccomend this book is baffling.

    4. Almost the entire Robert A. Heinlein bibliography, to be honest. There is a lot to think about in those books, granted, but there is even more to absolutely despise.

      I’ve read most of his books from the “juveniles” that he wrote, up until the latter works. There were some really, really fun things to think about in those books, but a lot of it is so cringey, creepy, and self indulgent. His politics were super questionable, his attitude towards women was sexist at best, and most of the time downright skeevy and pervy. Add to all of this that he was incredibly condescending towards his readers.

      I dislike him so much, that I think about him far too often.

      Edited to update the comment from present tense to past tense.

    5. Educational_Sale7324 on

      Bunny by mona awad! Literally had no idea what was happening the entire book, it was like a hige riddle.

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