September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    My nibling is a huge book nerd and also has a physical disability, I would like a YA (fantasy) excellent book that maybe doesn’t centre around disability (as I don’t feel comfortable giving them a book solely about their disability), so hopefully there’s something inclusive and brilliant and a great story etc and centers or champions disabled people and characters

    by Dumbledoreable_

    1 Comment

    1. RightLocal1356 on

      [Corinne Davis]( is an autistic author who writes about differences. I’ve read *On the Edge of Gone*, which has an autistic protagonist, and *Otherbound*, whose main character has blackouts that take him into another world but his parents think he has epilepsy because of it (I think he also has a limb difference of some sort but I don’t remember exactly).

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